Woodinville's Wine Wonderland
Explore Nearby Wineries
Boasting around 130 wineries and tasting rooms, 40 which are walkable and all within a ten-minute drive radius from Willows Lodge, you’re sure to discover your new favorite wine in Woodinville, Washington. Indulge in delicious Bordeaux-style wines, red blends, Spanish varietals, and so much more. Whether you’re looking for a classic or something new, you won't be disappointed. And it’s not all about the wine — most tasting rooms also offer fabulous food options and some even feature live entertainment by local artists. There really is something for everyone at Woodinville’s wine tasting rooms. Enjoy self-guided wine tours and book your tasting reservation at any of the following adjacent locations, all within a short walk from Willows Lodge!
Woodinville’s wineries span four distinct wine districts, each with its own unique personality. The Hollywood district buzzes with an array of tasting rooms and restaurants, the Warehouse district provides an insider’s view of wine productions, the West Valley district offers a more laid-back experience while the Downtown district showcases exciting new options for food, drinks and shopping.
Hollywood District, West Valley District, Downtown District, Warehouse District